Document Filming

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Records Management provides to departments/units the process of conversion of historical and permanent University records to microfilm. This process uses 16mm and 35mm film that produces a microimage (a reduced copy of the original) which meets the standards set forth by the State of Illinois Records Commission for archival quality. These original image-based records (data that have been reduced to microfilm) are permanently housed in the Records Management vault. The duplicate records are housed in the off-site storage vault in the Northwest Annex, and departments receive a working copy of the record if needed.

Records Management only microfilms long-term and historical records.

Before any department considers microfilming, an initial meeting must be scheduled with the Director of Records Management and the Records Coordinator for the department. The Records Coordinator must examine the records to be filmed and make sure that the department is in compliance with the retention schedule. At this time a format for the filming will be decided. Once initial contact has been made, each department must follow the Document Preparation Checklist before sending records to Micrographics for filming. If records have not been data prepped according to this list, Records Management reserves the right to return the records. When the department makes the proper corrections, Records Management will pick up the records and begin the filming process.

**Make sure you use the correct box label for microfilming**

Once a department calls and schedules a pickup, Records Management will pick up the records for filming on Thursday (of each week). These records are transferred to Micrographics and placed in the storage room for filming. These boxes will be checked in and placed on shelves (in the order that they were received). Depending on the scheduling of prior jobs, these boxes may be held in storage for up to 8 weeks. When Records Management is ready to begin filming, these boxes are removed from the shelves and transferred to the filming areas. The job is then assigned to a certain camera (depending on the format) and filmed. It takes approximately 8 to 10 weeks to complete a job once the filming has begun (depending on the complexity of the job). After the records are filmed, the film is processed and placed on shelves (in date order) to await the next step which will be either to jacket load the information or to roll proof. If there are any corrections to be made it will be at this stage. A diazo film will be made for the departments use. Once duplicated, the job goes to quality control where it is checked for any errors. Duplicate jackets are returned to the department and duplicate roll diazo is sent to off-site storage. The original rolls and jackets are stored in the Records Management vault. The job is then logged out by the quality control inspector. All boxes are returned to the department once the process is completed.