Administration and Consulting

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Records Management provides consultations with University departments/units on campus for the systematic management of records from their creation to final disposal, insuring that department practices are in conformity with University policies and with the State of Illinois Records Act.

In 1983 the State of Illinois Records Commission notified all State universities of the State Records Act, "An act relating to State records, providing for a State Archives division of the office of Secretary of State, creating the State Records Commission and defining its powers and duties, providing for a continuing records and paperwork management program and repealing an Act therein named." This act shall be known as "The State Records Act," (Sec. 1, 43,4 -State Records Act) **To access the State Records act please use the following link to go to the Secretary of State's home page (State Records Act). Next look for the State Records Management Services section. The State Records Act is the first item listed under this section.** Thus a retention schedule was developed by the State Records Commission, with the cooperation of each university department, and was accepted and implemented as policy by the President of Southern Illinois University at Carbondale in 1990. The retention schedule assists each department with the life-cycle of a university record (from creation to final disposal).

The retention schedule lists each campus unit, i.e., Board of Trustees, Executive Director of Administration, Office of the Chancellor, Office of the President, Provost & Vice Chancellor, School of Medicine, Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance, Vice Chancellor for Diversity, Vice Chancellor for Institutional Advancement, and Vice Chancellor for Research & Graduate Dean. All departments are located under one of these units.