Retention Schedules

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In order to view your retention schedule you must know the administrative area that your department/office reports to; then locate that administrative area on the table listed below and click on it. You will find the application number to the left of the title of the unit that you report to. For example, if your department/office reports to the Provost & Vice Chancellor, you would look under the heading, 97-43, Provost & Vice Chancellor, and click on it, etc. Once you have opened the unit, an index will appear. Find your department/office within the index and click on it. This will take you to your retention schedule. Here you will find the item number.

An example of the Application and Item Numbers are as follows:

Application #: 97-43
Item #: 100.01

Application Number Unit Title
(applies to every department)
18-15 Office of Technology Transfer
18-25 Export Control Records
87-61 Office of the Board of Trustees
87-61 Office of the President
87-62 Office of the Chancellor
97-43 Provost and Vice Chancellor
87-62 Vice Chancellor for Development and Alumni Relations
97-43 Vice Chancellor for Research
87-66 Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance
97-43 Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs
93-10 School of Medicine